Alternate Referral List
National Domestic Violence Hotline 800-799-7233
Drug Rehab and Detox
Alcohol-Drug Treatment Referral 800-510-9050
- Alcohol and Drug Treatment Referral for drug addicts,
alcoholics, addicts who are chronic releases and the family
members of drug addicts. -
Cenikor Houston & Waco 713-266-9944
- Detox & recovery programs; men and women; 18+; short
term program – Waco detox, residential for up to 28 days;
financial assistance available through the state. -
Cypress Creek Hospital $ Houston (1960) 281-586-5925
- Psych hospital; inpatient and outpatient treatment options. -
DAPA Family Services Houston 713-783-8889
- Specialized assistance for individuals suffering from psych
and substance abuse issues. -
Houston Area Council on Alcohol and Drugs Houston 713-942-4100
- Assistance for adults 18+; no one turned away. -
Intracare North $ Houston 281-893-7200
- Psych hospital; inpatient and outpatient treatment options. -
Kingwood Pines Hospital $ Kingwood 281-404-1001
- Psych hospital; inpatient and outpatient treatment options. -
Halfway Houses
Angela’s House W Houston 281-445-2625
- For women coming out of jail or prison who are not on
probation or parole. Must apply at least 1 month prior to release.-
Bonita House M/W $ Houston 713-228-0125
Recovery House M $ Houston 713-812-1211
The Way Maker M $ Willis 936- 856-1479
Volunteers of America M/W Houston 817-535-0853
Residential Rehabilitation Programs
Cenikor $ Houston 713-266-9944
- Long term recovery program in Deer Park; up to 2 years;
working program; $450 admission fee for TX residents; $1500
for out of state residents; no other money allowed; help
learning to live responsibly; must be clean 3 to 5 days. -
East Texas Dream Center Conroe 281-601-6800
- 12 month faith based discipleship program; 18+ men and
women (allow women with children); do not require sobriety
prior to entry; will take mild psych issues; waiting list. -
Magnificent House Houston 713-520-0461
- Homeless men, women and children with mental disabilities;
psychosocial rehabilitation program. -
Road to Recovery Houston 713-742-6514
- Adult Males; require 30 days of verifiable sobriety; 90-day
drug and alcohol program (Halfway House) and transitional
Living Center; program is 12-step based. -
Santa Maria Hostel Houston 713-691-0900
- Women and women with children; 30 to 90 days substance
abuse program, shelter and housing assistance. -
Strong Tower Ministries Hitchcock,TX 855-823-4546
- We are a twelve-month residential program that is able to
accommodate numerous live-in students. A student's schedule
includes daily classes, vocational activities and chapel services.
We seek to assist churches, ministries, and agencies in providing
recovery assistance to men, women and families in a Christian
environment. -
Star of Hope Houston 713-222-2220
- Emergency shelter for men, women and children; transitional
housing; 12 to 18 month recovery program. -
Teen Challenge $ Magnolia 281-259-5600
- Teenagers, Adult Men; residential rehabilitation program;
$1500 induction fee upon acceptance; sliding scale fee. -
Teen Challenge $ Pasadena 713- 941-2720
- Teenagers, adult women; residential rehabilitation program;
$1500 induction fee upon acceptance; sliding scale fee. -
The Women’s Home Houston 713-527-3150
- 6 to 18 month residential program; women age 22 to 55;
90 days sober prior to entry; accepts psych issues; no children. -
Volunteers of America Houston/Conroe 713-460-0781
- Residential (Houston) Outpatient (Conroe, Huntsville); substance
abuse treatment; men and women; special programs for pregnant
women and women with children. -
Casa Juan Diego Houston 713-869-7376
- Services and shelter for immigrant women and children, especially
serving pregnant or physically battered women and their children
or those whose husbands have been deported. -
Family Promise of Montgomery County Conroe 936-441-8778
- Families with minor children shelter; 90 day program including
meals, shelter, transportation, etc.; sobriety required-not drug
rehab; must pass background check; not able to assist women
actively fleeing from domestic violence; only 4 families at a time;
call for phone interview. -
Good Shepherd Mission Huntsville 936- 291-8156
- Emergency Shelter; men, women, children; food, clothing, shelter. -
Wellsprings, Inc. Houston 713-529-6559
- Women and women with children; veterans, ex-offenders, physically
disabled, and or mentally disabled must have the ability to work and/or
go to school to become self-sufficient or live as independently as possible;
maximum length of stay 24 months; need to be dual-diagnosed and stable
on medications. -
MCCASA Conroe 936-443-6706
- Female ex-offenders with non-violent and non-sexual offense records;
food, shelter, transportation, classes. -
Salvation Army Conroe 936- 760-2440
- Emergency shelter program for men, women and children who are
homeless in Montgomery County; food, shelter and other assistance
as available. -
Bridge Way Youth Shelter Conroe 936-890-1132
13 bed coed facility; emergency shelter; ages 10-17; up to 21
days; for youth dealing with extreme family conflict, abuse and
/or neglect or who are runaway and homeless; assist relocation
Human Trafficking/Sex Exploitation
Rescue Houston Houston 713-322-8000
Helpline advocates and exit teams are available 24/7, year-round.
Receiving the call, deploying the exit team, and transporting the survivor
to a safe home can be completed within a 30 -120 minute timeframe.
Then working with each survivor, place them in the appropriate long-term
restoration program specific to their needs. Long-term safe home
partners include local presence to homes throughout the entire country.
National Domestic Violence Hotline 800-799-7233
Drug Rehab and Detox
Alcohol-Drug Treatment Referral 800-510-9050
- Alcohol and Drug Treatment Referral for drug addicts,
alcoholics, addicts who are chronic releases and the family
members of drug addicts. -
Cenikor Houston & Waco 713-266-9944
- Detox & recovery programs; men and women; 18+; short
term program – Waco detox, residential for up to 28 days;
financial assistance available through the state. -
Cypress Creek Hospital $ Houston (1960) 281-586-5925
- Psych hospital; inpatient and outpatient treatment options. -
DAPA Family Services Houston 713-783-8889
- Specialized assistance for individuals suffering from psych
and substance abuse issues. -
Houston Area Council on Alcohol and Drugs Houston 713-942-4100
- Assistance for adults 18+; no one turned away. -
Intracare North $ Houston 281-893-7200
- Psych hospital; inpatient and outpatient treatment options. -
Kingwood Pines Hospital $ Kingwood 281-404-1001
- Psych hospital; inpatient and outpatient treatment options. -
Halfway Houses
Angela’s House W Houston 281-445-2625
- For women coming out of jail or prison who are not on
probation or parole. Must apply at least 1 month prior to release.-
Bonita House M/W $ Houston 713-228-0125
Recovery House M $ Houston 713-812-1211
The Way Maker M $ Willis 936- 856-1479
Volunteers of America M/W Houston 817-535-0853
Residential Rehabilitation Programs
Cenikor $ Houston 713-266-9944
- Long term recovery program in Deer Park; up to 2 years;
working program; $450 admission fee for TX residents; $1500
for out of state residents; no other money allowed; help
learning to live responsibly; must be clean 3 to 5 days. -
East Texas Dream Center Conroe 281-601-6800
- 12 month faith based discipleship program; 18+ men and
women (allow women with children); do not require sobriety
prior to entry; will take mild psych issues; waiting list. -
Magnificent House Houston 713-520-0461
- Homeless men, women and children with mental disabilities;
psychosocial rehabilitation program. -
Road to Recovery Houston 713-742-6514
- Adult Males; require 30 days of verifiable sobriety; 90-day
drug and alcohol program (Halfway House) and transitional
Living Center; program is 12-step based. -
Santa Maria Hostel Houston 713-691-0900
- Women and women with children; 30 to 90 days substance
abuse program, shelter and housing assistance. -
Strong Tower Ministries Hitchcock,TX 855-823-4546
- We are a twelve-month residential program that is able to
accommodate numerous live-in students. A student's schedule
includes daily classes, vocational activities and chapel services.
We seek to assist churches, ministries, and agencies in providing
recovery assistance to men, women and families in a Christian
environment. -
Star of Hope Houston 713-222-2220
- Emergency shelter for men, women and children; transitional
housing; 12 to 18 month recovery program. -
Teen Challenge $ Magnolia 281-259-5600
- Teenagers, Adult Men; residential rehabilitation program;
$1500 induction fee upon acceptance; sliding scale fee. -
Teen Challenge $ Pasadena 713- 941-2720
- Teenagers, adult women; residential rehabilitation program;
$1500 induction fee upon acceptance; sliding scale fee. -
The Women’s Home Houston 713-527-3150
- 6 to 18 month residential program; women age 22 to 55;
90 days sober prior to entry; accepts psych issues; no children. -
Volunteers of America Houston/Conroe 713-460-0781
- Residential (Houston) Outpatient (Conroe, Huntsville); substance
abuse treatment; men and women; special programs for pregnant
women and women with children. -
Casa Juan Diego Houston 713-869-7376
- Services and shelter for immigrant women and children, especially
serving pregnant or physically battered women and their children
or those whose husbands have been deported. -
Family Promise of Montgomery County Conroe 936-441-8778
- Families with minor children shelter; 90 day program including
meals, shelter, transportation, etc.; sobriety required-not drug
rehab; must pass background check; not able to assist women
actively fleeing from domestic violence; only 4 families at a time;
call for phone interview. -
Good Shepherd Mission Huntsville 936- 291-8156
- Emergency Shelter; men, women, children; food, clothing, shelter. -
Wellsprings, Inc. Houston 713-529-6559
- Women and women with children; veterans, ex-offenders, physically
disabled, and or mentally disabled must have the ability to work and/or
go to school to become self-sufficient or live as independently as possible;
maximum length of stay 24 months; need to be dual-diagnosed and stable
on medications. -
MCCASA Conroe 936-443-6706
- Female ex-offenders with non-violent and non-sexual offense records;
food, shelter, transportation, classes. -
Salvation Army Conroe 936- 760-2440
- Emergency shelter program for men, women and children who are
homeless in Montgomery County; food, shelter and other assistance
as available. -
Bridge Way Youth Shelter Conroe 936-890-1132
13 bed coed facility; emergency shelter; ages 10-17; up to 21
days; for youth dealing with extreme family conflict, abuse and
/or neglect or who are runaway and homeless; assist relocation
Human Trafficking/Sex Exploitation
Rescue Houston Houston 713-322-8000
Helpline advocates and exit teams are available 24/7, year-round.
Receiving the call, deploying the exit team, and transporting the survivor
to a safe home can be completed within a 30 -120 minute timeframe.
Then working with each survivor, place them in the appropriate long-term
restoration program specific to their needs. Long-term safe home
partners include local presence to homes throughout the entire country.