For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16 NIV
Jesus is telling us that every fiber of our being, every facet of our lives must be committed to loving and serving God. This means that we must hold nothing back from Him because God holds nothing back from us (John 3:16). To disciple and promote total commitment to God is the purpose of every ministry that Eyes On Me, Inc. offers to the community.
Jesus is our sole authority, our guiding light and our compass. Eyes On Me, Inc.’s connection and cultivation ministries lead to a commitment to serve God through discipleship and planting Out tha Box churches in low-income and at-risk areas.
Our organization invests months and even years of time in Houston’s most at-risk areas in efforts to disciple youth and adults that have accepted Christ. New Christians have the option to attend church in their surrounding areas or train to facilitate Out the Box gatherings for a fellowship of believers in their housing project, neighborhood community center or even outdoors.
Similar to the early church movement, homes within the community are being used for dual purposes: for normal living and to reach a lost world for Christ. There are examples of Jesus and early Christians going to peoples homes where they would heal people, evangelize seekers, baptize entire households, and disciple new believers.
Examples of early house churches include but are not limited to the:
Church in the house of Mary (Acts 12:12);
Church in the house of Nympha in (Colossians 4:15)
Church in the house of Priscilla and Aquila (Romans 16:3–5; see also 1 Corinthians 16:19); and,
Church in the house of Archippus (Philemon v.2).
Out Tha Box churches are stand-alone churches that happen to be small enough to meet in homes. After filling their limited space, they grow through multiplication rather than increasing their membership. Each house church has its own leadership and derives its authority directly from Christ, rather than through a church hierarchy. It functions in every way as a church.
Jesus is telling us that every fiber of our being, every facet of our lives must be committed to loving and serving God. This means that we must hold nothing back from Him because God holds nothing back from us (John 3:16). To disciple and promote total commitment to God is the purpose of every ministry that Eyes On Me, Inc. offers to the community.
Jesus is our sole authority, our guiding light and our compass. Eyes On Me, Inc.’s connection and cultivation ministries lead to a commitment to serve God through discipleship and planting Out tha Box churches in low-income and at-risk areas.
Our organization invests months and even years of time in Houston’s most at-risk areas in efforts to disciple youth and adults that have accepted Christ. New Christians have the option to attend church in their surrounding areas or train to facilitate Out the Box gatherings for a fellowship of believers in their housing project, neighborhood community center or even outdoors.
Similar to the early church movement, homes within the community are being used for dual purposes: for normal living and to reach a lost world for Christ. There are examples of Jesus and early Christians going to peoples homes where they would heal people, evangelize seekers, baptize entire households, and disciple new believers.
Examples of early house churches include but are not limited to the:
Church in the house of Mary (Acts 12:12);
Church in the house of Nympha in (Colossians 4:15)
Church in the house of Priscilla and Aquila (Romans 16:3–5; see also 1 Corinthians 16:19); and,
Church in the house of Archippus (Philemon v.2).
Out Tha Box churches are stand-alone churches that happen to be small enough to meet in homes. After filling their limited space, they grow through multiplication rather than increasing their membership. Each house church has its own leadership and derives its authority directly from Christ, rather than through a church hierarchy. It functions in every way as a church.